Adoption Directory

Find adoptable cats in your area by exploring our list of shelters, rescues, and cat cafés across the United States.

At Kitty Poo Club, we believe all kitties deserve a happy, loving home. According to the ASPCA, an estimated 3.2 million cats enter shelters each year. To help all those cats find a home, we've used customer feedback to create an adoption directory to share our favorite shelters, rescues, and cat cafés in the country and to connect you with adoptable kitties in your area. Once you've found a furry companion, our all-in-one, eco-friendly litter solution will make taking care of them stink and stress-free.

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Do you have a pet rescue in your area you'd like to see featured?

We're always looking to grow our adoption directory. Click the button below to recommend your favorite rescue, and help connect loving pet owners with their new furry friend.

P.S. you can use your Kitty Poo Club referral code to give your friend 35% OFF their first auto-ship litter box! Click here to login & get your code

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Sign up for our mailing list & SAVE 30% on your first auto-ship order of litter boxes and/or litter bags.
Your discount will be applied in checkout.Click here to redeem your offer!
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330-439-1280  (Available Mon-Fri 9a-4p ET)

Kitty Poo Club, 1909 Old Mansfield Rd Bldg B, Wooster, OH 44691

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