A "Problem Solving" Family
Meet Porter & Chad! They make up a father-son team of entrepreneurs from a small town in Ohio, and are always looking for new ideas & ways to solve everyday problems.
Porter's 3 favorite cats growing up were his two Siamese cats named "Tiki 1" and "Tiki 2", and his barn cat named "Kitchen". As the caretaker of the cats, he developed a disdain for the litter box, just like all cat owners!
After thinking through a list of litter-related problems (cleaning & bleaching the box and lugging heavy bags of litter home from the store, to name a couple!) he and Chad began to realize that there had to be a better way!
They began to realize that it wasn't just about the litter, or just about the box, but - ah-ha! - it needed to be an all-in-one litter solution.
As of today, their creation has helped make tens of thousands of cat owners' lives easier, which, in turn, has improved the lives of tens of thousands of kitties!

The Solution
Creating a practical & functional litter box was just the first step.
Chad & Porter were also determined to make the product eco-friendly. As a result, Kitty Poo Club's boxes are made from recycled cardboard, which can be recycled again at the end of the month, and all of our litters are derived from natural materials making them safe for pets & home!
We proudly offer a variety of litter options to please even the pickiest of felines, and provide free shipping as a perk to their owners.