Happy Mother's Day! A young woman hugging her black cat in front of a Kitty Poo Club Disposable Litter Box

Kitty Poo Club Welcomes Your Furry Friend!

Thank you for visiting Kitty Poo Club, home of America's freshest, and most innovative litter system. Simplify your litter life today with our leakproof, disposable litter box, and never go back to stinky plastic litter boxes or clunky litter robots again.

Use code VET35 for 35% OFF your first auto-ship order and support your local vet clinic

7 kittens looking up, the gray and white cat in the middle is reaching his paw up.


  • Litter Boxes
  • XL Litter Boxes

  • Bags of Litter
  • Cat Treats

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Kitty Poo Club, 1909 Old Mansfield Rd Bldg B, Wooster, OH 44691

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